Volos is a coastal port city in Thessaly situated midway on the Greek mainland. Close to Volos is Pelion mountain. It is a necessity to visit Pelion if you are close there.
There are three major mythological stories associated with Pelion. The myth of the Centaurs, of Jason and the Argonauts and the Pileos marriage with Thetis.
The myth of the Centaurs
Centaurs were mythological beings who lived in Pelion, half men from the waist and up and half horses. They were wild and primitive nature, violent, impulsive and sensual. They lived in caves and hunted wild animals armed with stones and sticks. The Centauromachy was a favorite theme performances in ancient Greek temples. Refers to the fray and extermination of the Centaurs, when the king of people wedding Lapithon Peirithoos with Hippodamia, drunken centaurs attempted and grab the bride and the other women to rape them.
In this story, the ancient Greeks saw the symbolic victory of the World, of human civilization, upon the primitive animal instincts.
But not all the Centaurs are the same violent creatures. The centaur Chiron, son of Cronus and philyra was peaceful, wise teacher and mystic.
He knew the secrets of nature and the arts, medicine, music, astrology and divination.
He lived in cave in Pelion and became tutor of many heroes, including the Asclepius, Achilleas, Aristaios, Jason and Peleus.
Jason and the Argonauts
Jason was the son of Aeson, who was king of Iolkos. When his brother Pelias dethroned Aeson, he entrusted the minor son of the Centaur Chiron to protect him and teach him.
As an adult, Jason returned to Iolkos in order to face the usurper of the throne of his father. On the road, passing the raging river Anavros, he lost a sandal.
An oracle warned Pelias be kept by the ” monosandalo ‘. So just saw Jason said that he had no objection to deliver the throne, enough to bring the Golden Fleece.
This was the kingdom of Colchis on the Black Sea, Frixos gift to King Aeetes, where a sleepless dragon guarding the sacred oak of Ares.
Jason accepted the challenge and commissioned shipbuilder Argos the ship’s construction for the long journey.
At the port of Pagasae near Iolkos, where the Argo started, gathered all the heroes. Among others Hercules, Theseus, Orpheus, Castor and Pollux, Peleus, Laertes, Amphiaraos, Meleager, Zetes and turquoise , Argos, Philoctetes and Telamon. Only a woman mentioned Atalanta.
Having acquitted in Thrace King Phineas by the Harpies, with his help went through the terrible symplegades the Strait of Bosporus, which closed abruptly and crushes everything in between.
The Phineas advised them to first try leaving a dove.
If this is passed, they had to paddle with all their strength to get through this.
If lost, then every effort was doomed and had to turn back. The dove went, losing only a feather from its tail. Immediately after he passed though the Argo with a little damage to the stern, and from then Simpligades remained motionless.
Reaching the Argonauts in Colchis, the Aetes asked Jason to zepsei bulls had donated Hephaestus, who had bronze hooves and they took fire from their nostrils, to plow a field and sow the dragon’s teeth. With the help of the witch daughter of Aeetes, Medea, who fell in love and rubbed with a magic liquid that made him invulnerable for a day, Jason ezepse bulls and sowed the dragon’s teeth.
Medea also informed him that they would grow armed warriors. Throwing stones among them, made them died. With the spell of Medea put her to bed the dragon and took the Golden Fleece from the sacred oak, he managed to escape from Aetes and returned after many more adventures in Iolkos.
Pelion Visit
If you want to visit also the country of Centaurs and see from where started Jason and the Argonauts, should visit Pelion. This amazing place has many forests and beaches to spend your holiday.
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